Encrypt PDF icon showing a PDF document with a padlock in front of it.

Restrict PDF

Restrict PDF is a REST API tool that applies usage restrictions to a PDF as a security measure to limit the ways in which viewers can interact with the document, such as printing, editing, or copying text.

A bubbling flask with code brackets inside
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Start right from your browser - upload files, choose parameters, generate code, and send API Calls directly from API Lab!  

to receive your free API Key.
Required Parameters
curl -X POST "https://api.pdfrest.com/restricted-pdf" \ 
  -H "Accept: application/json" \ 
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -H "Api-Key: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" \
The response for your API Call will display here.
Once you've sent your POST request and received a valid response, you can download your output file using the output URL.

Why is pdfRest the best API to apply restrictions to PDF?

pdfRest offers the best solution for restricting PDF documents with a permissions password, because it supports advanced restriction modification, top quality security, and flexible restriction options.

Modifying Existing Restrictions

The Restrict PDF API tool empowers your application with security features that apply to more than just new documents. Existing files and permissions are easily modified, opening your documents to new and expanding audiences.

We often think of security as a one-way workflow, it doesn't need to be. Enhance your security with two-way automation. Incoming documents can be secured with the Restrict PDF tool and processed through the Encrypt PDF tool for secure storage with an additional layer of encryption-at-rest. When the files are ready for distribution and viewing, reverse them through the process to open them to only their intended audience.

All of this and more is ready-built, only with pdfRest.

Top Quality Security

Security is the foundation of every good technology and pdfRest allows you to rest easy knowing that the the industry's best document security has been made so simple to implement with your new and existing projects.

Powered by the Adobe® PDF Library™, pdfRest's Restrict PDF API Tool leverages the same technology and security capabilities found in Adobe Acrobat. pdfRest supports automation that removes human error from implementation of security best-practices.

Flexible Restriction Options

The suite of tools within pdfRest provide flexibility to developers when crafting the unique security solutions their data requires. With calls to the Restrict PDF API, there are over 40,000 distinct permission combinations that can be applied to documents, saving development time and providing maximum value with one easy tool.

Adobe Acrobat security settings such as "Printing Allowed", "Changes Allowed", "Enable copying of text, images...", and their associated permissions passwords are are all fully compatible with Restrict PDF.
Start from Code Examples
  1. First, you'll need an API Key - to:
    • Stay anonymous with a Guest API Key for 10 free API Calls
    • Sign up for an upgraded API Key with unlimited, continuous service
  2. Choose your programming language
  3. Copy and paste the code to your project
  4. Update Api-Key field with your unique API Key
  5. Update file with the local path to your input
  6. Run this code to send an API Call
See more code examples in our
GitHub repository
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Customize Your Solution
The restrictions[] parameter lets you indicate the restrictions you would like to apply to your document. Restrictions can include one or more of the following:
  • print_low
  • print_high
  • edit_document_assembly
  • edit_fill_and_sign_form_fields
  • edit_annotations
  • edit_content
  • copy_content
  • accessibility_off
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Create your FREE API Key to start processing PDFs in seconds, only possible with pdfRest.

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