pdfRest PDF to Office Pro Self-Hosted API
The pdfRest PDF to Office Pro Self-Hosted API product is provided as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). This AMI is a snapshot of a server configuration and is available on the AWS Marketplace. It can be used as a template to deploy your own server instance, allowing you to add our PDF processing features to your own AWS environment or build your own custom workflows that you can run on demand.

The pdfRest PDF to Office Pro Self-Hosted API Reference Guide can be found Here
Launching an EC2 instance
For this process you’ll need to have already subscribed to the pdfRest PDF to Office Pro Self-Hosted API product on our AWS Marketplace page.
Setting up your EC2 instance
These steps assume that you have successfully launched an instance by following the steps found above for Launching an instance.
Setting up EFS for EC2
Follow these instructions to manually set up Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) for use with your self hosted stack.
Note that while we provide instructions for manually setting this up, this is best deployed as part of a cloudformation stack. Please contact us for assistance or for cloudformation template examples.
Setting up infrastructure for scaling and load balancing
Follow these instructions to manually set up autobalanced load scaling infrastructure for use with your self hosted stack.
Note that while we provide instructions for manually setting this up, this is best deployed as part of a cloudformation stack. Please contact us for assistance or for cloudformation template examples.